wine bottles

Tasting Checklist - What You Need

The following is a list of the items you will need for the wine tasting and the dinner after the tasting. Also, after you have finalized your Tasting Notes/Research, send a PDF copy of your presentation to to Lance @ for the website.

The Wine Tasting

  1. Theme/type of wine you want to serve
  2. Decide upon the number of people who can comfortably fit
  3. Place: Your home or venue
  4. Wines for Tasting (for 20 people one bottle of each, 20-40 people, 2 bottles of each
  5. Icebreakers: An icebreaker is a light wine (bubbly, white or rose) to warm up the palate and prepare it for tasting. An icebreaker should not have any heavy overtones. I always recommend 6 bottles for 30 people.
  6. bottled water for each person
  7. Plain unseasoned crackers or bread
  8. Tasting notes/research Send an MS Word copy of your wine list and tasting notes to Lance @ for inclusion on the website.
  9. Wine Evaluation sheets (this can be found on the AWS website under "education"
  10. Wine evaluation "cheat sheets" and wine wheel (Diane has a book of these in plastic covers that we reuse)
  11. Name tags (Diane has name tags made for all members
  12. Tables and chairs ( Diane has 3 card tables and 12 chairs)
  13. Dump buckets ( Diane has about 7)
  14. 1 oz pourers for tasting wines
  15. pencils (Diane has a basket of chapter pencils)

Dinner After The Tasting

  1. Decide if you want to provide a main entree and have others bring accompanying dishes, a straight potluck or other. The board can not pay for excessive costs of caterers. Plan with the budget that you have. Anything that costs more that what has been collected will have to come out of your own pocket.
  2. Silverware: (Diane has some that are for the chapter) or you can purchase disposables or use your own.
  3. Dinner Plates: Diane has forty plates that you may borrow, feel free to use disposables or your own. Diane also has bowls and coffee cups that she purchased specificly for AWS tasting.
  4. Reimbursement: please keep your receipts for purchases or at least a list of expenses for wine, food and incidentals such as copies and paper products such as napkin for your event. The hosts do not pay for their own events unless they have planned an event at a winery or venue where the owner of the winery or wine store is charging on a per person basis.
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